Wednesday, January 28, 2009

True Love

Over my yeas at BYU–Idaho I have had a number of loves that have come and gone and come back again. Among those loves are tennis, photography, walking to class and having my nose hairs freeze along the way (happened just yesterday in fact), prank wars, dance parties, public relations and a certain missionary that just didn't work out, but thats another blog for another day. The one love that compares to no other and that I find myself coming back to time after time: Jacob Spori. 

 He is just so darn irresistible. He does demand quite a bit of my time, but I am ok with that. I enjoy the time I spend with him. He is loyal. He is steadfast. He is immovable.  I never have to wonder where he is or what he's doing... and every time I see him, he invites me in out of the cold winters day or the summer heat to stay a while. Even when I am in a rush, and I want to, I just can't say no. It's so hard to refuse his advances. Over these past 4 years I have spent more time with Jacob than I have any of my roommates, friends, or boyfriends combined. Jacob Spori, I think I love you... will you marry me? 

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